

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

13 Diverting things from the internet

Yes, yes, I said the final book of Well's trilogy was going to be next. But I got distracted.

I love lists, so of course I've kept a massive one of interesting/amusing/fascinating/niche things found on the internet over the years. Some of it is just from researching topics I'm generally interested in (Shakespeare, linguistics), but a lot of it comes from the rabbit-hole of have-an-offhand-question-for-Wikipedia-get-sucked-in-and-must-know-more-until-suddenly-it's-3-hours-later. That is, more than just an amusing meme or pithy statement (though I collect plenty of those), but something with a bit of heft to it. So without further ado, a list of clicky-links to Pages of Interest, for when you feel like you're in an internet rut. I'd be glad of any return Interesting Bits from your internet forays.

In case you prefer to avoid it, some crude language in the articles at the other end of the hyperlinks embedded in the following words: frustrations; reviews; discourse; Film Crit Hulk; search

1. Death and death rituals, both in blog form  and video form 
2. Klingon: linguistics of, and Hamlet in
3. Abandoned place photography and musings
4. Lolita fashion: writings of the thesis sort (etic) and the blog sort (emic)
5. Man of Steel reviews/frustrations (the discourse surrounding superhero movies in general)
6. Gorey's dead Victorian children, the Gashleycrumb tinies
7. Bio-motion lab walker: things you can tell about a person (gender, weight, emotional state) by the way they walk
8. Film Crit Hulk is my favorite thing on the internet
9. Murder ballads; "Tom Dooley" and "Henry Lee" are my current favorites
10. GMU's speech accent archive: click on the map, click on a flag, hear somebody speak a prescribed English paragraph, compare to other speakers, nerd out about linguistics
11. The linguistics of Internet speech patterns
12. Lol my thesis: this search is set for linguistics (obviously), but you may search any field you like.
13. This a capella, Bad Romance parody...about the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William.


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