

Monday, April 27, 2015

I went to Italy and got distracted

Sorry about that! But I promise I've been reading books and thinking thoughts. What books have I read? Glad you ask, reader in my head...

1) Curtsies & Conspiracies and Waistcoats & Weaponry by Gail Carriger. I do love me an alliterating title. These are books 2 and 3 in her YA series. The first I didn't enjoy so much, but I think that was due to loving Soulless and then expecting more of that. But I've had quite a break from Soulless, so now have fewer expectations of similitude. Though don't fret, all the essentials of a Carriger book are there: daffy names, steampunky tech (which, truth be told, I couldn't care less about), and copious amounts of tea and snacks.

2) Re-read Small Gods, which is one of my favorite Discworld novels. It's stands alone pretty well, so if you want a Pratchett without the commitment of a whole 40-book series, this is a good choice. All about religion, and belief, and gods and devotion.

3) Finished The Thief, for real this time - no skimming. The SO should be grateful for that massive flight delay, because that was the extra oomph/time I needed to finish it. I read The Thief for the SO, as part of a "read each others favorite books" challenge/adventure. But it's just everything that irritates me about fantasy novels [1]: so much walking, so much kingdom politics.

4) Started Prudence, another Carriger book.


[1] Well, not everything. There was not over-capitalization, which makes me quit immediately. I just CANNOT with the Nouns of Doom.

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