So, I got super excited when I reviewed the books-I've-read list, and discovered that I only needed to read 92 more to reach 1,000! Woo! Maybe I could do it by the end of the year??
...That would be a book every 2.5 days. So, no.
Once upon a time, a book every couple of days may have been possible. Maybe even likely. But I've collected a few more hobbies and responsibilities between when I started that list and now, and I'm not even sure I could do it in a calendar year (one approximately every 4 days). This realization saddens me some. I miss the heady days of youth, where a book could and frequently did transport me, transfix me. When I wanted nothing more than a story wrapped in words, telling me about myself and the world. I miss being able to sit for hours, deeply engaged and engrossed in a book - in the "flow," as psychology would have it. Now I can hardly sit for an hour to read, without being distracted or falling asleep or getting bored.
I still like it, don't get me wrong. I still want to learn and hear stories and discover new voices. But the days of long, sustained reading seem far behind, and unlikely to return, alas.
But enough reminiscing. I'm throwing a party when I get to 1,000 books read, be it a year or five years from now. And each story consumed, each page digested brings me closer to that goal. Let's see how long it takes.
I'm totally coming to this party!