

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Does it work? 4: Vegetarian Kimchi Ramen

Look, y'all. I hesitate to even write this as a "Does It Work?" post because I hardly used the recipe at all. I guess it's sort of a book review for Bowl, a chronicle of a yummy thing made, and like, 0.04% Does It Work.

Review portion: Bowl by Lukas Volger is a lovely cookbook. It's got that hipster-y sans serif font for the headers and gorgeous, simple food pictures. Plus, things in bowls is literally my favorite kind of meal. I've only read the first part [1], talking about what staples you need to make these dishes and the benefits of bowl meals, but it seems straightforward and informative.


The SO and I were trying to figure out what to have for dinner that wasn't beans and rice. We eat so much beans and rice in this house, it's not even funny. He suggested ramen and luckily we had just gone to the library and stumbled on the lovely Bowl. So I glanced through the ramen section and saw this, Vegetarian Kimchi Ramen. "Perfect," I thought to myself. "We have all those things. Let's do it."

...Except, of course, we didn't. The tofu had gone bad and I couldn't be bothered to deal with all the various vegetables he lists (onions, napa cabbage, idek what else). Basically, I took the title, and made something I thought resembled it.

Ramen (yes, the college, brick kind) + beef flavor packet
Frozen kale
Hard boiled egg (instead of tofu, still need a protein)
Kimchi (had that, at least)
Soy sauce (the kale watered down the broth)
Grated ginger (see previous)

It was very tasty. And full of vegetables. And fast. Which is really all you need out of a meal sometimes.


[1] Yes, I read through cookbooks for fun. Don't you?

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