Here they are, in all their glory:
The great thing about a home library is that you can arrange it however you want; its sections and shelves can be as idiosyncratic as you. So as you can see, even though this is the orange book section, not all orange books are orange (and some covers-that-are-orange are not, in fact, "orange books"). Orange books are about facts (What If?, Do Fish Drink Water?), economics (Undercover Economist, Freakonomics, When to Rob a Bank, The End of Poverty, An Economist Gets Lunch), and data-driven ways to change your life or surroundings (Barking up the Wrong Tree, Predictably Irrational, Reality is Broken, Nudge, The Design of Everyday Things, The Power of Habit [1]). Somehow this categorization makes sense to me.
Guns, Germs, and Steel is on the outer edge of this category, as it's very orange and full of facts, but more of a "just so" ethnography than truly an "orange book."
(Maybe it's real, maybe it's confirmation bias, but pop economics books seem to get orange or yellow covers, nearly without fail. If you have one that's not orange, please tell me!)
What ways do you organize your shelves? Do you have peculiar arrangements like mine, or are they all nicely alphabetized by author?
[1] The Power of Habit is out on loan, but rest assured, it's yellow and goes in this section.
I approve. Makes it look like this section of your bookshelf is on fire!