

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Does it work? 7: Low-Carb pancakes

Why would you ever design a pancake recipe that only makes three pancakes?! I guess that's what I get for going to the *~*healthy~*~ food blogs.

Anyway. I'm feeling a little salty right now, so y'know. Don't take me too seriously.

Todays recipe is Healthy thick+fluffy low carb vanilla pancakes [1] from Arman of The Big Man's World [2]. They were...fine.

Substituted (1 of 8)
- All-purpose flour for coconut flour (No. Just no. I am not going to go buy coconut flour; I shudder to even think about how much that would cost.)

I liked this recipe because he included lots of alternatives right in the ingredients - mashed sweet potato OR yogurt! Granulated sweetener of choice! Except for the coconut flour thing, I feel like we're on the same wavelength, cooking-wise - he's empowering you to make your own decisions.

On a scale of chicken eggs to caviar, I'd say these were eh, I dunno, quail eggs. Pretty much what they were supposed to be, but maybe a little bit unexpected.

They came out kind of eggy and not super fluffy, but good. A cross between an American pancake and a crepe, I'd say. So...

Did it work? Yep. Did I feel like a fool when I came out with only three pancakes after all that measuring? Sure did. Make again? Mmm, maybe. They were at least nice change from oatmeal. [3]


[1] We've really got to work on the recipe names. Roll off the tongue, they do not.

[2] The first male food blogger I've ever run across. Pinterest is full of women, y'all.

[3] I didn't make the glaze, so if anybody does, give me a shout.

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