

Friday, March 16, 2018

Does it work? 11: Vegan Coconut Curry Lentil Soup

This curry lentil soup by Vegangela was dang good. DANG GOOD, I say.

Most of the time, I don't read the intros on recipe blogs - they often have little to do with the recipe and more to do with traveling, or family, or sponsors, or...

But the intro on this recipe is actually relevant and helpful; she guides you through possible substitutions and changes, and encourages you to make the ones that best suit your diet/pantry/tastes/etc. It's a very Devo method :)

My changes are minor; but I'll tell you about them because I want you to feel empowered to cook with what you have. No need to go buy fancy ingredients! My substitutions are all artistic, rather than scientific [1].

Substituted (4 of 14)
- Powdered ginger for fresh (fresh is messy and time consuming; always remember to use *less* of a powdered spice than a fresh one - the conversion for ginger is about 1/2t powdered for 1T fresh)
- Cayenne for hot pepper flakes (they're literally the same thing, one is just more ground up)
- Water + bullion for vegetable stock (it's what I have)
- Green lentils for red lentils (they're the same, just different colors)

Left out (1 of 14)
- All the garnishes (it was good without them)

I made a few minor adjustments to quantities, based on taste and our ingredients on hand:
- Used about 1/3 can of coconut milk (it's what we had, and I'm not super jazzed about coconut anyway)
- Used slightly less curry powder (I think ours is hotter than regular American powder, as I learned when I made VERY spicy chickpea curry a few weeks ago)

And there you have it! A delicious, filling, vegan dinner. Try it out!


[1] Really, idek if they're even so far as "artistic" - they don't change the flavors or texture really at all. They just happen to be a slight variation on the listed ingredients.

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